
Consular service  : tel. 02 794 5036  (more available on Mon., Thu., and Fri.)

  • 영사과 전화문의 : 02-794-5036 (월, 목, 금 통화 원활)

For apply : Every Tue., Wed.  9:30-11:30, 13:30- 16:00

  • 공증 접수일 : 매주 화, 수 오전 9시 반-11시 반,  오후 1시 반-4시

Issuance : 8-10 days (9:30-11:30, 13:30- 16:00)

  • 발급 소요일 : 접수일로부터 8-10일 (발급일이 휴일일 경우 별도 공지하오니 홈페이지 새소식란을 참조하세요)

* If the issue date is a holiday (Korean or Islamic holiday), please refer to a special notification on our web site.

Fee  Please check the menu ‘visa & legalization fees’


*   Fee (tax) is payable per stamp and only in cash


Legalization  The Embassy legalizes documents only in English or in French priorily certificated by MOFA (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Korea)
Documents to submit 01(one) original   legalized document by MOFA and its 01(one) duplication
Cover letter : Purpose, content and number of legalizations should be clarified and completed with a signature and a company stamp.
Document of reference : an official letter from Algerian authority (original or by fax) requesting  the legalization or a bidding notice or copy of a contract describing the necessity of legalization.
Remarks Documents not legalized by MOFA are not accepted
*  ‘Attestation de bonne exécution’ should be legalized both by MOFA (  and KCCI  prior to submission

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