Consular service : tel. 02 794 5036 (more available on Mon., Thu., and Fri.)
- 영사과 전화문의 : 02-794-5036 (월, 목, 금 통화 원활)
For apply : Every Tue., Wed. 9:30-11:30, 13:30- 16:00
- 공증 접수일 : 매주 화, 수 오전 9시 반-11시 반, 오후 1시 반-4시
Issuance : 8-10 days (9:30-11:30, 13:30- 16:00)
- 발급 소요일 : 접수일로부터 8-10일 (발급일이 휴일일 경우 별도 공지하오니 홈페이지 새소식란을 참조하세요)
* If the issue date is a holiday (Korean or Islamic holiday), please refer to a special notification on our web site.
Fee | Please check the menu ‘visa & legalization fees’
* Fee (tax) is payable per stamp and only in cash
Legalization | The Embassy legalizes documents only in English or in French priorily certificated by MOFA (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Korea) |
Documents to submit | –01(one) original legalized document by MOFA and its 01(one) duplication |
–Cover letter : Purpose, content and number of legalizations should be clarified and completed with a signature and a company stamp. | |
– Document of reference : an official letter from Algerian authority (original or by fax) requesting the legalization or a bidding notice or copy of a contract describing the necessity of legalization. | |
Remarks | Documents not legalized by MOFA are not accepted |
* ‘Attestation de bonne exécution’ should be legalized both by MOFA ( and KCCI prior to submission |