General information on Application/ Issuance procedure :
비자 신청 절차
* For apply : Every Tue., Wed. 09:30-11:30, 13:30- 16:00 (During Ramadan reception hours should differ)
- 매주 화, 수 오전 09시 반-11시 반, 오후 1시 반-4시 (라마단 기간 중 접수 시간 변동)
* Issuance: 7 working days from the date of application (except for media visa).
- 발급 소요 기간 : 접수일로부터 근무일 기준 7일 소요 (언론비자는 별도의 소요기간이 필요합니다)
* In case the issue date is a holiday or in lack of working days special notice will be communicated.
- 발급일이 휴일일 경우 기간이 더 소요될 수 있습니다 (이 경우 별도의 공지로 알려드리니 홈페이지 새소식란을 확인하세요)
* For more detailed information about visa, please contact our consular service (tel. +82 2 794 5036) every Monday, Thursday and Friday.
- 영사과 전화 문의 : 02-794-5036 (월, 목, 금)
- Application form (.pdf)
- Application form for a Media Visa (.pdf)
- Only foreigners with Alien registration card or Certificate of Residence can apply for visa.
* Business Visa:
- 2 General Application forms (to download)
- 2 recent passport size color photographs (to attach on each form at indicated spot).
- Original passport with a validity of more than 6 months.
- Copy of the passport of the page where the photograph and signature figured (for koreans) plus other pages with an entry-issue record of any other country (for non koreans).
- Original and copy of alien registration card or certificate of residence (only for non koreans)
- Invitation letter from an Algerian organization, institution or company with signature and seal.
- Travel order printed on company’s head letter and completed with signature and seal.
- Copy of traveler’s insurance (in English) : to furnish according nationality (not for koreans). Please contact the consular service for traveler’s insurance.
- Tax for visa : payable in Korean Won (cash) at the moment of application (for other foreigners tax changes according nationality. Please contact the consular service).
* Work Visa
- 2 General application forms (to download)
- 2 recent passport size color photographs (to attach on each form at indicated spot).
- Original passport with a validity of more than 6 months.
- Copy of the passport of the page where the photograph and signature figured(for koreans) plus other pages with an entry-issue record of any other country(for non koreans).
- Original and copy of alien registration card or certificate of residence (only for non koreans)
- Temporary work permit issued by Algerian government.
- Repatriation commitment issued by Algerian government.
- Recruiting commitment issued by Algerian government.
- Travel order prepared on company’s head letter and completed with signature and seal.
- Tax for visa : payable in Korean Won (cash) at the moment of application (for other foreigners tax changes according nationality. Please contact the consular service).
* Tourist Visa
- 2 General application forms (to download)
- 2 recent passport size color photographs (to attach on each form at indicated spot).
- Original passport with a validity of more than 6 months.
- Copy of the passport of the page where the photograph and signature figured (for koreans) plus other pages with an entry-issue record of any other country (for non koreans).
- Original and copy of alien registration card or certificate of residence (only for non koreans)
- Legalized invitation letter issued by the relevant district wilaya of the inviter, or Confirmation sheet of the hotel reservation
- Round trip flight ticket
- Trip itinerary schedule
- Copy of round-trip air flight ticket
- Copy of traveler’s insurance (in English)
- Certificate of employment (for employee) and a copy of the account book to show the balance.
- Tax for visa : payable in Korean Won (cash) at the moment of application (for other foreigners tax changes according nationality. Please contact the consular service).
* Family Visa
- 2 General application forms (to download)
- 2 recent passport size color photographs (to attach on each form at indicated spot).
- Original passport with a validity of more than 6 months.
- Copy of the passport of the page where the photograph and signature figured (for koreans) plus other pages with an entry-issue record of any other country (for non koreans).
- Original and copy of alien registration card or certificate of residence (only for non koreans)
- Legalized invitation letter issued by the relevant district wilaya of the inviter (inviter should be resident in Algeria)
- Copy of the resident card of the inviter.
- Family register certificate in English (or certified translation in English)
- Tax for visa : payable in Korean Won in cash at the moment of application (for other foreigners tax changes according nationality. Please contact the consular service).
* Media Visa
- 3 Media application forms (to download);
- 4 recent passport size color photographs (to attach on each form at indicated spot);
- Original passport with a validity of more than 6 months and copy of the passport of the page where the photograph and signature figures (for Koreans) plus other pages with an entry-issue record of any other country (for non Koreans);
- Accreditation card;
- Business card;
- A visa request written by the management of the newspaper or film firm, determining the object, the duration, the sites on which the team will go, the names of the personalities that will be possibly interviewed;
- A list of members of the team (Journalist, reporter, technician, photographer, cameraman, engineer etc..)
- The film’s synopsis;
- A detailed listing of the equipment and materials;
- A reservation or plane ticket (round trip) after obtaining the agreement;
- Tax for visa : payable in Korean Won in cash at the moment of application (for other foreigners tax changes according nationality. Please contact the consular service).
- For information on other visa type, please contact the consular service (tel. 02 794 5036, available only Mon., Thu., and Fri.)
- Definition of ‘period of sojourn’ (durée du séjour) on multiple entry visaYou can stay the whole granted period (durée du séjour) consecutively just for one time or you can stay for several times by deducting the number of days you have stayed during your previous stay with the current visa.Though, even if you didn’t used all the days of sojourn, you should quit the country before the expire date of visa.Definition of ‘period of sojourn’ (durée du séjour) on single entry visaYou can stay during your available period of sojourn only for one single time.Though, even if you didn’t used all the days of sojourn, you should quit the country before the expire date of visa.